#143, Durga Nagar, Garh Road, Meerut City, Meerut
Tel: 0121-4052960
(+91) 9917220100
(+91) 76177 80100

About Us

Yash Chest & Allergy Centre Meerut is one of the top pulmonology (Lung & Respiratory Disorder Treatment) clinics in India. It's respiratory medicine and therapeutics are well known and renowned in India. Yash Chest & Allergy Centre is well equipped with all latest technology machine to provide complete high standard care to its patients. The clinic is visited by pulmonologist Dr. Vijay Narain Tyagi, MBBS, MD - Pulmonary Medicine (Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease).
Yash Chest Allergy Rehabilitation Centre provides Critical Pulmonary Care, Bronchoscopy, Thoracoscopy, Sleep Disorder Treatment, Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Treatment, Pleurisy, Nicotine/Tobacco (Smoking) De-addiction Treatment, Chest Disease Treatment, Bronchitis Treatment, Balance Exercises, Eosinophilia Treatment, Pneumonia Treatment, Lung Infections Treatment, Lung Cancer Treatment, Lung Abscess, Interstitial Lung Disease Treatment, Obesity Related Lung Diseases, Pleural Effusion Treatment, EBUS (Endo Bronchial Ultra Sound), Bronchitis, Complete Gynaecological and Obstetrics care.
At Yash Pulmonary Rehabilitaion Centre, Meerut respiratory patients are provided with best of the treatments. There are respiratory patients who remain symptomatic even after receiving treatment. These patients sometimes are more disabled due to side effects of drugs like tremors and tachycardia which further is a cause of discomfort. So after optimal treatment there is a need for cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. There is level of Evidence 1A for addition for cardio pulmonary rehabilitation to moderate to severe respiratory disease. As per protocol, 8 to 12 weeks sessions of pulmonary rehabilitation improves patients drastically in terms of morbidity, admission rates and length of stay in hospital.
For the first time (as an individual and as the company) in India Yash Chest Centre is equipped with new generation of Spirometry “Airwave Oscillometry” (This is the first machine imported in India from Canada) with which even Neurological and Paediatric patients can be taken care easily. And at the same time Yash Chest Centre is equipped with machine to measure respiratory muscle strength (inspiratory and expiratory).
Yash Chest Centre has introduced latest and recent breakthrough in respiratory medicine at Meerut. Today is the time of evidence based medicine and to label a diagnosis before institution of the treatment. Recent advances in diagnosing respiratory disease in pediatric population (2yrs and above), elderly people and neurological patients are now available at Meerut.
Various facilities available at Yash Chest Centre, Meerut for patients are:
Skin Prick Test (Allergy Testing)
Video Bronchoscopy (Adult, Paedriatric and Neonatal) :
In video bronchoscopy, Yash Chest Centre is equipped with NBI (Narrow Band Imaging) which helps to locate abnormal (cancerous) tissue with a normal tissue which helps in tissue biopsy from more accurate area
Rigid Bronchoscopy (Adult, Paedriatic and Neonatal with telescope and telescopic forceps)
Rigid Medical Thoracoscopy( for removal of fibrinous bands and septa of loculated/encysted effusion and pleural/lung biopsies)
Polysomnography (Sleep Study) : Diagnostic Therapeutic (Titration)
Breath test to determine expired nitric oxide levels which is endorsed by GINA guidelines 2018 to diagnose, monitor Asthma in paediatric / adult population.
Advanced Spirometer:
Airwave Oscillometry- This is first machine imported in India from Canada. It determines obstruction of large airways, smaller airways, homogenous obstruction (bilateral small airways), heterogeneous small airways (unilateral small airways),
Restrictive lung disease especially those patient who are unable to perform DLCO, Spirometry.
All symptomatic respiratory patients with normal PFT are picked up with this avdanced oscillometry.
It measures Resistance of lung and can be used for reversibility and challenge test. It also measures peak Inspiratory and peak expiratory presssures of lung muscles. Breathless patient with normal lung function are picked up with respiratory muscle weakness. Incremental shuttle walk test/ 6 minute walk test to evaluate basic working capacity.
It measures integrity of alveolar capillary membrane.
Diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide.
Pulmonary Function Test/Spirometry, by Spirobank G by MIR (Germany),ME(Germany),HD PFT ( USA)
6 minute walk test
Inspiratory and Expiratory muscle pressure testing